33 research outputs found

    Implementation of min鈥搈ax MPC using hinging hyperplanes. Application to a heat exchanger

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    Min鈥搈ax model predictive control (MMMPC) is one of the few control techniques able to cope with modelling errors or uncertainties in an explicit manner. The implementation of MMMPC suffers a large computational burden due to the numerical min鈥搈ax problem that has to be solved at every sampling time. This fact severely limits the range of processes to which this control structure can be applied. An implementation scheme based on hinging hyperplanes that overcome these problems is presented here. Experimental results obtained when applying the controller to the heat exchanger of a pilot plant are given.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a DPI2001-2380-C02-01Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a DPI2002-04375-C03-0

    Min-Max Predictive Control of a Five-Phase Induction Machine

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    In this paper, a fuzzy-logic based operator is used instead of a traditional cost function for the predictive stator current control of a five-phase induction machine (IM). The min-max operator is explored for the first time as an alternative to the traditional loss function. With this proposal, the selection of voltage vectors does not need weighting factors that are normally used within the loss function and require a cumbersome procedure to tune. In order to cope with conflicting criteria, the proposal uses a decision function that compares predicted errors in the torque producing subspace and in the x-y subspace. Simulations and experimental results are provided, showing how the proposal compares with the traditional method of fixed tuning for predictive stator current control.Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/425Uni贸n Europea DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/425Universidad de Sevilla DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/42

    Adaptive Cost Function FCSMPC for 6-Phase IMs

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    In this paper, an adaptive cost function FCSMPC is derived from newly obtained results concerning the distribution of 铿乬ures of merits used for the assessment of stator current model-based control of multi-phase induction machines. A parameter analysis of FCSMPC is carried out for the case of a six-phase motor. After extensive simulation and Pareto screening, a new structure has been discovered linking several 铿乬ures of merit. This structure provides an simple explanation for previously reported results concerning the dif铿乧ulty of cost function tuning for FCSMPC. In addition, the newly discovered link among 铿乬ures of merit provides valuable insight that can be used for control design. As an application, a new cost function design scheme is derived and tested. This new method avoids the usual and cumbersome procedure of testing many different controller parameters.Uni贸n Europea RTI2018-101897-B-I00Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n RTI2018-101897-B-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n RTI2018-101897-B-I0

    Robust control of the distributed solar collector field ACUREX using MPC for tracking

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    17th IFAC World Congress 2008. Seoul (Korea). 06/07/2008This paper presents the application of a robust model predictive control for tracking of piece-wise constant references (RMPCT) to a distributed collector field, ACUREX, at the solar power plant of PSA (Solar Plant of Almer铆a). The main characteristic of a solar power plant is that the primary energy source, solar radiation, cannot be manipulated. Solar radiation varies throughout the day, causing changes in plant dynamics and strong disturbances in the process. The real plant is assumed to be modeled as a linear system with additive bounded uncertainties on the states. Under mild assumptions, the proposed RMPCT can steer the uncertain system in an admissible evolution to any admissible steady state, that is, under any change of the set point. This allows us to reject constant disturbances compensating the effect of then changing the setpoint

    Introducing Linear Matrix Inequalities in a Control Course

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    7TH IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCES IN CONTROL EDUCATION 21/06/2006 MadridThe important role that linear matrix inequalities have attained in the last years makes it compulsory to include them in the education of a control engineer. As the development of efficient semidefinite programming algorithms date from the early nineties, there is a lack of teaching experience in this field (at least when it is compared with other well established aspects of control theory). This paper proposes a simple way to introduce linear matrix inequalities in a control course. The main objective of the paper is to show that in the formulation of (robust) control problems as linear matrix inequalities a very reduced number of elementary technical results are required. It is illustrated how to introduce, in a progressive way, these technical results along with motivating examples. All of this is done in such a way that it facilitates the assimilation of this important subject. The presented methodology has been successfully applied for more than four years in a doctoral course on control theory

    Problem based learning case in a control undergraduate subject

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    Brescia, 4-6 Nov., 2015Student motivation is a relevant subject in many engineering areas including control and related subjects such as instrumentation. The classic approach to teaching has revealed itself a major obstacle for today鈥檚 students characterized by a being users of advanced technology in their daily life. Theoretical classes and even old laboratory experiments are of no appeal to them. In this paper a case study of the application of Problem Based Learning ideas is presented. The students are faced with a design problem in which they build a temperature control from basics components. The experience took place at the Engineering College of the University of Seville. The results shown are drawn from a three-year study and are compared with other undergraduate subjects

    Identificaci贸n de las principales tipolog铆as de nubes utilizando HOG

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    [Resumen] Este art铆culo aborda la clasificaci贸n autom谩tica de nubes a partir de im谩genes tomadas desde el suelo mediante t茅cnicas que utilizan histogramas de vectores gradiente. La identificaci贸n de nubes tiene una importancia creciente en la industria solar como medio para producir predicciones locales de nubosidad a muy corto plazo. En este contexto se presentan los histogramas de vectores gradiente para extracci贸n de caracter铆sticas 煤tiles para la clasificaci贸n. Se discuten y exponen ciertas propiedades de este tipo de caracter铆sticas que son posteriormente puestas a prueba en la clasificaci贸n de nubes. El clasificador empleado es una m谩quina de vectores soporte SVM. Se consideran en la clasificaci贸n las principales tipolog铆as de nubes: c煤mulos, cirros y estratos.https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.978849749808

    Selecci贸n de variables en la predicci贸n de llamadas en un centro de atenci贸n telef贸nica

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    En este art铆culo se ilustra la importancia de la selecci贸n de variables independientes para modelos neuronales destinados a la predicci贸n de la demanda en un centro de atenci贸n telef贸nica. Los modelos tienen como objetivo ayudar en la planificaci贸n semanal del personal del centro, tarea que se realiza con 14 d铆as de antelaci贸n. Los modelos requeridos pueden hacer uso de gran cantidad de variables independientes. Sin embargo, el n煤mero de casos que pueden ser usados para obtener los par谩metros del modelo es escaso debido a los cambios socio-econ贸micos. Esto plantea la necesidad de seleccionar cuidadosamente las variables independientes y utilizar el menor n煤mero posible de ellas, de otro modo la generalizaci贸n del modelo se degradar铆a. Para resolver el problema se utiliza un m茅todo mixto que permite trabajar con un alto n煤mero de variables candidatas, en una primera fase, y seleccionar m谩s cuidadosamente un n煤mero menor de variables en una segunda fase. Los resultados obtenidos por los modelos resultantes de aplicar el m茅todo propuesto y sus variantes son analizados utilizando datos reales de un centro de atenci贸n telef贸nica. Los resultados de la comparaci贸n muestran que la correcta selecci贸n de variables independientes es vital para este tipo de aplicaci贸n.Uni贸n Europea HYCON FP6-511368

    Constraint Satisfaction in Current Control of a Five-Phase Drive with Locally Tuned Predictive Controllers

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    The problem of control of stator currents in multi-phase induction machines has recently been tackled by direct digital model predictive control. Although these predictive controllers can directly incorporate constraints, most reported applications for stator current control of drives do no use this possibility, being the usual practice tuning the controller to achieve the particular compromise solution. The proposal of this paper is to change the form of the tuning problem of predictive controllers so that constraints are explicitly taken into account. This is done by considering multiple controllers that are locally optimal. To illustrate the method, a five-phase drive is considered and the problem of minimizing x- y losses while simultaneously maintaining the switching frequency and current tracking error below some limits is tackled. The experiments showed that the constraint feasibility problem has, in general, no solution for standard predictive control, whereas the proposed scheme provides good tracking performance without violating constraints in switching frequency and at the same time reducing parasitic currents of x- y subspaces.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades de Espa帽a RTI2018-101897-B-I0

    Rotor Current Estimation in Predictive Control of Multi-phase Drives

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    [EN] Predictive control of stator currents needs estimating rotor currents since they are usually not measured. Rotor currents influence the future evolution of the stator currents, affecting the predictions needed by the predictive controller. The usual procedure is to estimate the effect of rotor currents on stator current evolution. This is done by adding the prediction error for the past sampling to the actual prediction. In this paper a new estimation method is proposed using the equivalent circuit of the induction machine. Simulation and experimental results are provided using a multi-phase induction machine as a specially demanding benchmark, showing the superiority of the proposal.[ES] El control predictivo de corrientes de est谩tor precisa una estimaci贸n de las corrientes rot贸ricas que son, usualmente, no medibles. Estas corrientes afectan a la evoluci贸n de la corriente de est谩tor y por tanto afectan a las predicciones usadas por el controlador. El procedimiento habitual consiste en estimar el efecto que producen dichas corrientes mediante una t茅cnica simple que a帽ade a la predicci贸n el error del periodo de muestreo anterior. En este art铆颅culo se presenta un nuevo m茅todo de estimaci贸n basado en el circuito equivalente de la m谩quina de inducci贸n. Se presentan resultados de simulaci贸n y experimentales para el caso particularmente m谩s complejo de una motor polif谩sico en los que se demuestra la superioridad del m茅todo.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto RTI2018-101897-B-I00 de FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n - Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n, y por Junta de Andaluc铆a y Fondos FEDER a trav茅s del proyecto P20-00546, Espa帽a.G. Satu茅, M.; R. Arahal, M.; R. Ram铆rez, D. (2022). Estimaci贸n de intensidades rot贸ricas en m谩quinas polif谩sicas para control predictivo. Revista Iberoamericana de Autom谩tica e Inform谩tica industrial. 20(1):25-31. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2022.17153253120